Thursday, July 31, 2008

This is how i prepare myself for SUI! committee interview later. So ya. Hopefully they will be attracted by my "cuteness". -.-

YAY! UTs for Sem 1 finally done. and pay day today! Happier today. ^^

Cognitive today is on QUALITY. and again few people left e class le. so only left 3 grps. can end sch earlier also. haha.

Pretty packed this wk.
Mon. went for student forum.
Tues. went for interiewing skills workshop. met a new friend, Wendy.
Wed, yesterday. went CWP to shop ard and again, had Swensen's for dinner. yummy.
Thurs, Today. Will be going Tampines IKEA after sch. to shop n budget for my new room!
Fri, tmr. going for an job interview.
sat n sun as usual work.

Sem 1 ending soon!!!
I seriously need a new job. Pay as high as possible. lobang anyone?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A must share!!

the top 8 tips of eating well!

1. Base your meals on starchy foods
-Starchy foods such as bread, cereals, rice, pasta and potatoes are a really important part of a healthy diet.
- Try to choose wholegrain varieties of starchy foods whenever you can.
- Starchy foods should make up about a third of the food we eat.
- They are a good source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet.
- Starchy foods should make up about a third of the food we eat.
- They are a good source of energy and the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet.

2. Eat lots of fruit and veg
- Try to eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and veg every day.
- Add up your portions throughout the day
.a glass of juice and a sliced banana with your cereal at breakfast
.a side salad at lunch
.a pear as an afternoon snack
.a portion of peas or other vegetables with your evening meal
- You can choose from fresh, frozen, tinned, dried or juiced, but remember potatoes count as a starchy food, not as portions of fruit and veg.

3. Eat more fish
- Most of us should be eating more fish ; including a portion of oily fish each week.
- It's an excellent source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals.
- Aim for at least two portions of fish a week, including a portion of oily fish.
- You can choose from fresh, frozen or canned ; but remember that canned and smoked fish can be high in salt.

4. Cut down on saturated fat and sugar
- To stay healthy we need some fat in our diets.
- What is important is the kind of fat we are eating.
- There are two main types of fat:
. saturated fat : having too much can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which increases the chance of developing heart disease
. unsaturated fat : having unsaturated fat instead of saturated fat lowers blood cholesterol
- Try to cut down on food that is high in saturated fat and have foods that are rich in unsaturated fat instead, such as vegetable oils (including sunflower, rapeseed and olive oil), oily fish, avocados, nuts and seeds.

` meat pies, sausages, meat with visible white fat
` hard cheese
` butter and lard
` pastry
` cakes and biscuits
` cream, soured cream and crème fraîche
` coconut oil, coconut cream or palm oil

We should also try to cut down on our sugar intake everyday!
(Does not apply one fruits, because they are naturally sweet!)

5. Try to eat less salt (no more than 6g a day)
- Three-quarters (75%) of the salt we eat is already in the food we buy, such as breakfast cereals, soups, sauces and ready meals.
- So you could easily be eating too much salt without realising it.
- Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure.
- And people with high blood pressure are three times more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke than people with normal blood pressure.
- Remember that the amount you eat of a particular food affects how much salt you will get from it.

6. Get active and try to be at a healthy weight
- If you're worried about your weight, ask your family doctor or a dietitian for advice.
- But if you think you just need to lose a little weight, the main things to remember are:
.only eat as much food as you need
.make healthy choices ; it's a good idea to choose low-fat and low-sugar varieties
.eat plenty of fruit and veg and wholegrains
.get more active
- Physical activity is a good way of using up extra calories, and helps control our weight.
- Just try to get active every day and build up the amount you do.
- For example, you could try to fit in as much walking as you can into your daily routine. Try to walk at a good pace.
- Whenever we eat more than our body needs, we put on weight.
- This is because we store any energy we don't use up ; usually as fat.
- Even small amounts of extra energy each day can lead to weight gain.
- Crash diets aren't good for your health and they don't work in the longer term.
- The way to reach a healthy weight and stay there ; you are to change your lifestyle gradually.
- Aim to lose about 0.5 to 1kg a week, until you reach a healthy weight for your height.

7. Drink plenty of water
- We should be drinking about 6 to 8 glasses of water, or other fluids, every day to stop us getting dehydrated.
- When the weather is warm or when we get active, our bodies need more water.

if u rrly have to go to fastfoods restaurants (be it peer pressure or u cant succumb to the temptation), u can have all the fries u wan, but please change ur fizzy drinks to something else! maybe hot tea or iced tea.

tea leaves help to neutralise the oil and fats from the fast foods u take in!

ohoh! and try not to drink alcohol.
it's not good for ur body

8. Don't skip breakfast
- Breakfast can help give us the energy we need to face the day, as well as some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health.
- Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight.
- HELL NO, AND NEVER EVER! Missing meals doesn't help us lose weight and it isn't good for us, because we can miss out on essential nutrients.
- There is some evidence to suggest that eating breakfast can actually help people control their weight.
- So why not go for a bowl of wholegrain cereal with some sliced banana and a glass of fruit juice for a healthy start to the day?

How to be a healthy weight
If you have any concerns about your weight, contact your family doctor or a dietitian.
If you think you just need to lose a little weight, here are some practical tips.
Whenever we eat more than our body needs, we put on weight.
This is because the energy we don't use up is stored in our body, usually as fat. Even small amounts of surplus energy each day can lead to weight gain.

So if you want to lose some weight, you might want to look at ways of:
- making sure you only eat as much food as you need
- improving the balance of your diet
- getting more active

`Getting the balance right
It's not a good idea to go on a crash diet and it's important to make sure you continue to eat a balanced diet.
Otherwise you might not be getting all the nutrients you need to keep your body healthy.

When you're trying to make a healthy choice, for most people, the aim should be to:
+ cut down on fat – especially saturates
+ eat more fruit and vegetables
+ eat more starchy foods such as bread, pasta and rice
+ cut down on salt and sugar

Fruits and vegs should make up a third of the food you eat.
Aim to eat at least five portions of fruit and veg every day.
These can be fresh, frozen, tinned, dried or cooked, and a glass of fruit juice can also make up one of your portions each day.

As a guide, a portion means:
[]one apple or banana
[]two smaller fruit such as plums
[]two to three tablespoonfuls of vegetables
[]It's best to vary the types of fruit and veg you eat so that you increase the range and proportion of the different nutrients in your diet.

Starchy foods should also make up about a third of your diet.
These include:
[]breakfast cereals
[]beans and lentils

Try to eat a variety of these foods and choose wholegrain, wholemeal or 'high fibre' varieties whenever possible.

A healthy diet means eating and drinking less fat and sugar.
You'll probably eat some foods containing fat every day, such as margarine or butter, cooking oils, oil-based salad dressings and mayonnaise, but keep these to small amounts and choose low fat varieties where possible.

And there's no escaping the fact that you should keep cakes, biscuits, crisps, pastries and ice cream to a minimum.
And remember to choose low-fat alternatives when you can.

If you make changes to the types of foods you eat and the way you cook them, this might help you to adopt long-term healthy eating patterns for the future.
For example, you could try to:
.fill up on bread, cereals, potatoes and fruit and veg
.choose lean cuts of meat and always trim off any fat
.choose lower-fat varieties of dairy foods such as semi-skimmed or skimmed milk
.reduced-fat cheese, lower-fat yoghurts
.boil, steam, grill, poach or microwave food rather than frying or roasting

Getting physical
Physical activity is a good way of using up extra calories, and helps us to maintain our body weight.
It's a good idea to get active each day, but you don't need to join a gym to do this.

Here are some suggestions of activities that will help you to burn off excess energy.

You could:
- go for a walk after lunch
- choose the stairs instead of taking the lift
- walk (or even jog) some of your shorter journeys
- get off the bus one or two stops earlier

there is NO SHORTCUTS for u if u wanto slim down.
follow these, get active and lose the fats.

have fresh fruit juices every single day in the morning, and eat at least afruit ever single day too!
no fizzy drinks and sugary drinks, as they are rrly rrly bad for ur health!
avoid fastfoods unless for social purposes, like gathering with friends etc.
Skip the fried foods too.
NO NO NO if u wanto slim down!
consume more soup dishes!
if u are afraid that u will grow fat because of starchy foods, dun eat rice too!
eat porridge instead! they can keep u full but are not so filling because they are a mixture of rice and water!

`For me, vegetables are a NO to me, except watercress. So more fruits for me!

Monday, July 28, 2008

These are what i really felt on the actual itself.

Fri. 25th july.

Well, today is cheng hao’s birthday. Happy 19th birthday!! Other than xie shun, he was my really good guy friend. With others, we will always meet up to go makan before/after work. And we will tell each other secret, which we will not tell others. But now….. sigh. Things have changed. If you happen to read this post, to me you are always a very steady friend and no matter what, this friend of yours will always be here. ^^
Other than that, today during work. Somehow managed to talk to him… err maybe in a better manner? Feel that I can joke with him somehow.. sometimes I feel.. did I hurt him? Does he feel sad? Or he feels nothing at all. Seriously dunno what he’s thinking.
Also, today after work, one guy from Prudential approached me and I decided to sign up another savings plan. Is not that I have too much $ la, is that I don’t wanna struggle like hell when I becoming older, and able to retire as early as possible!
That’s why, I need to get another job. Saw my sch’s email that there is a job opportunity at TANGS for my course. So why not? It’s at vivo also! Hopefully the pay will be much better. I’m thinking of teaching tuition also. No matter what, I wanna earn more $!
I need to save up for.. HK trip, things to buy for my new room. Let me think.. decide to buy a CD holder for all my CDs and DVDs, maybe a sofa-bed? Maybe a small TV? A study desk? A fan?
Sometimes, I feel so tired working at Earle’s. not just physically. Don’t know why. Every week, at least 1 day will kena host 1. And it’s like. Die die must stand there. And people there. Sometimes I feel. So fake. *no offence*. They just think for themselves and want to bootlick the managers. But, whenever guest appreciated my service, and last sun, feel so happy when table 58 guest told me I have a very good smile and he said, ‘You deserve to be a supervisor’. Wow. I feel so……. Good. =p. of course, I still love working at Earle’s. but it’s the people there. Made me feel so tired. Can’t wait for 3rd outlet to open, and staff movement….

27 July, sun

Today. When I took 145 to work. Saw Canon building at harbourfront. Suddenly, I thought of LWY.. I realized, I still like him. Whenever I think of him, I can safely assure that. But not others at all. Was reminded of those days. Can still remember that day. I specially wore skirt, specially make-up to work. And we watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. And those days during work, he will msg me to chat.. How I wish I can go back to the past and change history. Maybe things will not be the same now… maybe I shouldn’t tell him that I like him.. maybe we still can be friends now.. but now………
And also, suddenly feel like quitting Earle’s. was told by mdm glenn that I got to buck up on my fountain. The thing is that, they also never put me fountain!! How am I going to learn? Unlike xin ying, always kena fountain, of course she can do fountain la! If I have to know fountain before I can be a supervisor “officially”, I rather not to be a supervisor! I rather just be a part-timer with my $5.50 pay. (And it’s little la!) And what for work so hard?? People are not doing as much work as me but they still get the same pay what! Sigh.

and today, 28 july mon.
I'm in sch now. But not in class. hehe. Science lei. who wants to go? And i dont really like my team so ya. Went back to sleep. Woke up at 11am then took my sweet time to go sch. Having student forum later at 5pm.

hmmm. my daily grades and UT grades from prob 1-13, UT 1 and 2.
Cognitive - 2 As, 7 Bs, 3 Cs, 1 D. UT 1 - C, UT 2 - B
Enterprise - 2 As, 7 Bs (1 downgraded), 4 Cs, UT 1 & 2 - B+
Culture - 3 As (1 downgraded), 8 Bs, 2 Cs UT 1 - B, UT 2 - C+
Science - 3 Bs (1 downgraded), 5 Cs, 1 D, 1 F, 3 X, UT 1 - D+, UT 2 - D
Computing - 2 Bs, 10 Cs (2 downgraded), 1 X, UT 1 - X, UT 2 - C+

i love my sch. i love RP. i seriously disagree that RP sucks. is just that the learning system is different. no need to die die study. and no exams!! and lots of nice food too. ^^.

Benjamin just send me his version of Fa Xian ai. not bad not bad.

UT for next 3 days!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Shiok la~! Last week's grade. Gotten As for Cognitive and Enterprise (manage to negotiate with ah beng!), 2Bs (1 kena downgraded 0.5) for SCIENCE and Culture and 1C. Super surprise to get B for science. As i was late and presentation wasn't tat good. so ya..

Yesterday pon sch to go work 12-5. Off peak hrs went fountain to "play". haha. not much orders so i just did sidework. went to meet xiu xiu after work at dhoby gahut. went crystal jade to eat den went swensen's for dessert den went mind cafe to play. yay.

Just now UT pretty easy. hopefully can get A!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

*yay. i made lijia eat my pineapple* k im being random.

yesterday. although i missed superband but i had a pretty good time watching I-Star finals. at TRCC. it's a singing competition for RP's international students. decided to go n learn from their stage presence also. e place is so damn small! 120 seaters only! n no lighting feel la~ there are 5 finalists and there r 3 rounds. 1st round is freely chosen song, 2nd round is english song n last round is talent showtime. champion is really good. well i voted for her also. lalalalalala. den seok hoon was soo good to wait for me to watch finish the finals, which lasted for 3 hrs! reached home rather late.

ROAR~ i sucks at Computing.. shit.. today's presentation sucks. wanted to go off after UT but i didnt. Went for talk durin breakout n dabao back. so guai.

k g2g le~ president comin soon. wahahaha.

Friday, July 18, 2008

yoyo. in class now. finished my presentation le. yay. hopefully i did well. obviously i didnt listen to others' presentation now. wahaha. so damn tired now. felt e urge to go home just now. but i didnt la. heng. n im kinda anti-social today too. -.- but now better le. faci is so funny n lame~

yesterday after sch rushed down to work. host 1 AGAIN. so sian. seeing him reminds me of the dream i had the day before. errrrr. after work went mac to submit my RJ. stupid wireless cannot be found at Earles. n jack jack called me. miss him! not that kind of miss la~ miss him as a friend. ya. once in a while, havin someone to talk with is great. ^^

i shall find more time to..

-have more aware of my diet

-more time to do exercise! jogging after sch!

-make myself look better

-be with my friends!

-earn more $!

oh ya, will be skippin sch next wk from wed to fri. so u guys can date me out after my work!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Early mornin. happy news for me. gotten an A for enterprise last week!! ^^woohoo!! first time lei!! kk meetin 1 now. shall blog again later~

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Argh. just remembered 20 secs ago. Yr 2 and 3 no school today. forgot again. =(. no wonder...........

yday after sch, had banner making session. fun!! once President Nathan come and see SUI!'s banner.. e design and idea came from me!! whahaha. fun fun fun.. wa. i wanna be in SUI! Committee. i want. i must.

later. shall vist Quennie at Holland V Swensen's.. ^^ hehe. long time nv c her le. i miss her. miss Swensen's food too. whahaha.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Last wkend. Busy workin! Workin with Benjamin Hum, not bad la~ he's someone very easy-going! And i got to know some of his 自爆内幕. haha. shall not say here la. And he sang David Tao's 二十二 during closing. pretty nice la. and we will always suan him "输给Shawn的人.." haha. Seriously no idea why he wanna work here though.. oh ya, and jack jack bought me chewin gum! and sun he cooked pasta with lots of prawns for me! yummy. well it was his last day so maybe it's 最后的晚餐hahaha.

den yday, dint go sch. thanks to my mum for psycho me not to go. so ended up slept until 12pm. shiok! finish up reading koizora novel *n i teared* n watched dvd. after tat, headed to toa payoh to buy some stuff. Realised tat toa payoh has lots of gd stuff! nice 油鸡面intro by teck wei, clothes and shoes all pretty cheap! went yishun after tat to collect my skinnes then went yew tee for haircut. ^^ den met my sis n went her house to watch superband.

on my way home, as my bro-in-law sent me to the bus stop. He told me that my sis is v rare girl. as in character la. i was thinkin, in few months or few yrs time, who will in turn tellin my sis the same words?? sighh.

today. computing. super sian. VB again. den my grp 2 left so got to split grp. den grp with Enz, lijia n nata.. siannn

yay! gotten B+ for my Enterprise UT2 again. yayness!

Friday, July 11, 2008

yoyo. in class now. enterprise. team with Lester, Zineng, Angela and Geannie. problem statement abit boring. but still, my fav module! Last week's grade. 1A, 2Bs, 1C and 1X. not too bad la hor.

yesterday. cognitive abit shit. so many people left during 2nd meeting. tempted to leave also but i dint la~ be a good girl. and my team mates all stayed. haha. presentation abit errr. wento work after sch. stn 3 with wan ting and jian kai. quite fun! kinda busy. there is this chef quite funny. and he treated me quite good. specially added prawn for me to eat! whahaha.

workin later after sch. shall see how CSS2 first runner up benjamin hum work later! hahaha.

so sleepy now. so hungry. OHYA! i bought concert ticket for Ayumi's concert le! so excited!! ^^ off to Hong Kong soon!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


(星期六) 2008年9月20日 晚上8時正 @ 亞洲國際博覽館ARENA

Yes yes yes!! I will go!! Even if i going alone. whahaha. So easy to get there la~ 1 min train journey from airport only!!

From now on, save up!!! Currently i need.. $156 for concert ticket, and about $300 for return air tickets. Tickets will be available from tmr 10am onwards!! Damn excited for it! Here's e website to grab tickets..

yay yay!! excited me! err. should i ask???

Monday, July 7, 2008

hmm. back to sat ba. Sat was really a happy happy day! Happy during working but how i wish i dint work.. hmmmmm.

Did Host 2 in the afternoon. Shuang! Then went first break. Briefing time damn funny. Night at stn 2. And jack jack stood counter! As usual, somehow quarrel. In a friendly way la. haha. there was this couple sat at table 32. Both ordered steak but dunno why they kept v quiet and they left no long after. And their food was left untouched! like only grab a bite only. Drinks also dint drink la! I was deciding to clear them or not den Sir Simon say can clear le. Jack jack saw it and he said something v funny. "如果我跟你出去一定浪费食物的。我们一定会吵架的!" i laughed and agreed. blah blah blah. He's on leave to go back malaysia. And i got him to buy me chewing gum! yay to next week when i see him!! ^^

Yesterday. Did cashier in the afternoon. Went second break and did.... Host 1. Purposely slack today. whaha. kena jisiao. i dont like hairy ahmohs!!! -.-

My cough is getting worse now. Thanks to Kee Teck Wei for passing on to me huh!! haha

Friday, July 4, 2008

Irritating! Culture faci whom marked me late... and he gave me A! It will be so good if he dint mark me late!!! ARGH. 算了.
This is his comments "Well done Elaine! I noticed that you put in much effort into preparing what you want to say before the presentation itself. Kudos to you for your effort!"

Thursday, July 3, 2008

hihihi.. today i came to sch with......... Kee Teck Wei..

We talked all way from redhill to woodlands. then walked from mrt to E3/E4.

No worries la. He was my sec sch friend. Just nice bumped onto each other.

So embarrassing la. Wore a top from project shop and so qiao he happened to work there before. Worrying that he will ask me. and he really did. pai seh la. But it's nice anyway. hahahaha. And surprised that he still remembered where i stay.. haha. of course i still remembered too.

Reached sch super early. One of the first few to reach class. UT damn diffcult.. but problem statement damn easy. ^^ happy happy.

sian got to go work later............

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So pissed off with my new faci la! Was late for class for only 2 mins! and he marked me late!! so irritating la! So my first impression on him.. *thumbs down* during meeting 1, as usual did PDT and he asked us to do worksheet. 1 group have to take 1 question each.

Meeting 2. We thought we got to present our answer to the class. BUT, instead of that, we got to be like faci to guide the class along. Is like.. huh?! then we need this faci for what? somemore, we are not allow on turn music.. got to do our work first before own entertainment...... so borin!! and presentation, cannot read from slides, give our own points. if not he do not know how to grade us.

So boring! luckily today's problem statement is pretty easy.
ok. back to work!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

yoyoyo. Im at my sis house now.

Her house so damn comfortable la~ feel so good after showering. sit comfortably to watch tv. and 2 doggies to play with. omg. so looking forward to move in to stay with them.

I'm not so emo now le.but still quite emo somehow. dunno what's goin on with me. =(

Computing today was pretty ok. But Cognitive UT was pretty tough! =(

So looking forward to so many things. I wanna ~

`Go for haircut

`Dye hair

`Teeth whitening

`Go overseas!!

`Watch V6's concert live

`Move house

`Sem 2 to start


and also, Mr. Right...........................