Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So pissed off with my new faci la! Was late for class for only 2 mins! and he marked me late!! so irritating la! So my first impression on him.. *thumbs down* during meeting 1, as usual did PDT and he asked us to do worksheet. 1 group have to take 1 question each.

Meeting 2. We thought we got to present our answer to the class. BUT, instead of that, we got to be like faci to guide the class along. Is like.. huh?! then we need this faci for what? somemore, we are not allow on turn music.. got to do our work first before own entertainment...... so borin!! and presentation, cannot read from slides, give our own points. if not he do not know how to grade us.

So boring! luckily today's problem statement is pretty easy.
ok. back to work!

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