Monday, July 28, 2008

These are what i really felt on the actual itself.

Fri. 25th july.

Well, today is cheng hao’s birthday. Happy 19th birthday!! Other than xie shun, he was my really good guy friend. With others, we will always meet up to go makan before/after work. And we will tell each other secret, which we will not tell others. But now….. sigh. Things have changed. If you happen to read this post, to me you are always a very steady friend and no matter what, this friend of yours will always be here. ^^
Other than that, today during work. Somehow managed to talk to him… err maybe in a better manner? Feel that I can joke with him somehow.. sometimes I feel.. did I hurt him? Does he feel sad? Or he feels nothing at all. Seriously dunno what he’s thinking.
Also, today after work, one guy from Prudential approached me and I decided to sign up another savings plan. Is not that I have too much $ la, is that I don’t wanna struggle like hell when I becoming older, and able to retire as early as possible!
That’s why, I need to get another job. Saw my sch’s email that there is a job opportunity at TANGS for my course. So why not? It’s at vivo also! Hopefully the pay will be much better. I’m thinking of teaching tuition also. No matter what, I wanna earn more $!
I need to save up for.. HK trip, things to buy for my new room. Let me think.. decide to buy a CD holder for all my CDs and DVDs, maybe a sofa-bed? Maybe a small TV? A study desk? A fan?
Sometimes, I feel so tired working at Earle’s. not just physically. Don’t know why. Every week, at least 1 day will kena host 1. And it’s like. Die die must stand there. And people there. Sometimes I feel. So fake. *no offence*. They just think for themselves and want to bootlick the managers. But, whenever guest appreciated my service, and last sun, feel so happy when table 58 guest told me I have a very good smile and he said, ‘You deserve to be a supervisor’. Wow. I feel so……. Good. =p. of course, I still love working at Earle’s. but it’s the people there. Made me feel so tired. Can’t wait for 3rd outlet to open, and staff movement….

27 July, sun

Today. When I took 145 to work. Saw Canon building at harbourfront. Suddenly, I thought of LWY.. I realized, I still like him. Whenever I think of him, I can safely assure that. But not others at all. Was reminded of those days. Can still remember that day. I specially wore skirt, specially make-up to work. And we watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. And those days during work, he will msg me to chat.. How I wish I can go back to the past and change history. Maybe things will not be the same now… maybe I shouldn’t tell him that I like him.. maybe we still can be friends now.. but now………
And also, suddenly feel like quitting Earle’s. was told by mdm glenn that I got to buck up on my fountain. The thing is that, they also never put me fountain!! How am I going to learn? Unlike xin ying, always kena fountain, of course she can do fountain la! If I have to know fountain before I can be a supervisor “officially”, I rather not to be a supervisor! I rather just be a part-timer with my $5.50 pay. (And it’s little la!) And what for work so hard?? People are not doing as much work as me but they still get the same pay what! Sigh.

and today, 28 july mon.
I'm in sch now. But not in class. hehe. Science lei. who wants to go? And i dont really like my team so ya. Went back to sleep. Woke up at 11am then took my sweet time to go sch. Having student forum later at 5pm.

hmmm. my daily grades and UT grades from prob 1-13, UT 1 and 2.
Cognitive - 2 As, 7 Bs, 3 Cs, 1 D. UT 1 - C, UT 2 - B
Enterprise - 2 As, 7 Bs (1 downgraded), 4 Cs, UT 1 & 2 - B+
Culture - 3 As (1 downgraded), 8 Bs, 2 Cs UT 1 - B, UT 2 - C+
Science - 3 Bs (1 downgraded), 5 Cs, 1 D, 1 F, 3 X, UT 1 - D+, UT 2 - D
Computing - 2 Bs, 10 Cs (2 downgraded), 1 X, UT 1 - X, UT 2 - C+

i love my sch. i love RP. i seriously disagree that RP sucks. is just that the learning system is different. no need to die die study. and no exams!! and lots of nice food too. ^^.

Benjamin just send me his version of Fa Xian ai. not bad not bad.

UT for next 3 days!!

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