Half of my holidays are gone. And it's super no life. Wake up. Go work. Off work. Go home. Wash up & sleep. This went on for the past 3 days. And the workload is getting heavier.
And today. So super no mood. ): And i cried somemore. Feel so fcuk up with these kind of sickening arrangement. It's simply so unfair. Thank God i got such a nice supervisor for me to "vent" my anger to. And that's one of my main reason that i do not accept the arrangement. *Was wondering why dint i say that* And the department, the pay, the people. Argh. Hate this kind of feeling. I seriously do hope Wayne can do something. What i can do now is to pray hard, pray hard & pray hard.
I'm fcuking emo now. As what i told Wayne before i left my workplace. But what can i do? Sickening.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Last day of school before my 1 week break. (:
Breakfast cum lunch was spent with Lijia and Lulu. Miss them! No worries Lijia, no matter what i will always stand by u!
Meeting 3 now. But are not listening at all (obviously!) But i enjoyed today's lesson. Obviously it's Enterprise. Relief faci pretty good. But comparing him with Rick Low.. Err hard to compare la~ However, there's only 16 of us in class. Team with Sean, Jie Min, Woam Shing & Indah. My team so damn zai one. All i did in class was playing Cooking Academy and watching Lunch Queen.
6P now so luo suo la~ Im falling asleep le. ZZZ. HMPH!
Happy holidays!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
New blog skin! spent half of the day to do. Not very nice la~ Will enhance it as time goes by. haa.
Now in sch food court instead of class. I was forced to leave. Seriously, i can't bring myself to work with someone that i can't even work with. I know the outcome. Either C or D. But at least now, i feel the freedom and i can do whatever i want. (Plus the smell of food!)
Life is so damn boring. Is just sch, work, sch and work. And i'm so dead tired this week. Yawn. I just feel like sleeping whenever i'm in sch.
And someone at work kept calling me SPOILT SPOILED BRAT! I don't even know why la. Hmph. Should i smile?
Jay's new album is simply AWESOME! Have been listening to his whole album only ever since last thurs! Will never get bored! You guys should really grab one! And the sales has already hit 1 million! Isn'that amazing?!
Sigh. So many things i wanna have. So many things i wanna buy. So many places i wanna go. So many people i wanna go out with. Pay on the 10th next month, what and how should i start with??
Drama of the day : Lunch Queen.
Pretty nice show! Similar to Kuitian, it's a jap drama on food! Yummy..
k. off for my drama!
*I'm so tempted to buy waffles!!
I'm so happy. one week holiday is coming! (:
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Today. Elaine is very happy. 3 reasons.
Firstly, in sch, she think she did much better than last week in Communication module. Higher confident to get another A. But confirm at least a B.
Secondly, in work, she managed to close 3 sales within 3 hours! while many others still uncontactable or still haven fax/email in. was pretty fed up yesterday so she entered "slow turtle" in 1 of the cust's acc. hahaha. Ok back to work. After work, had a pretty funny crapping with KJ. He damn funny la. Notice, just him alone. If plus him and Raj, think Elaine will laugh aimlessly for dunno how long. Other than Wayne, KJ is another Elaine's favourite supervisor in Starhub. (:
Thirdly, and is the main reason for . Jay gave me 3 gifts today! This..
and this!!
However, her mood is greatly affected by her teeth as well. Just before UT started, she felt something stuck inside her mouth. Slowly after, her teeth became more and more painful. She then realised that her wisdom teeth is growing! After confirming with Aarti (as she just removed her wisdom teeth last month). Elaine became pretty frightened,ansd she had harder n harder in talking clearly. She can't even chew/bite a simple snack like oreo cookies! But she stayed throughout in class to finish her presentation.
haha. Elaine is so awesome right? I think so too. She is so damn zai. And this week plus next week. She's gonna work without any days off!
So tomorrow, she gonna visit the denist! Despite of the pain she had, and one whole day without any proper meal, her mood is still damn good. Just thinking how is she going to tahan the pain. Especially when she has to keep talk and talk during work. Sigh.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Both happy and unhappy today.
Early morning, i'm so glad that i was not in sch today as i can get My paper from dhoby gahut personally. As usually i can only get to read it online when im in sch or when im back home. And in today's My paper, features both Ayu and Jay!!!!!!
Ayu's article reminds me of she is currently in Shanghai! Her concert will on sat! She is filming her new MV there! wow!!
OMG la. So damn happy. Another thing for me to be happy is that i work full shift! Can earn damn lots! And i am able to do more sales than usual. *and something else (:
Lunch time was spent with Ylva and Brandon. At first was pretty worried that i couldn't find anyone to go makan tgt. Thank God for them. Indonesian food is nice! I love the fried chic. Ylva had my usual grill fish n Brandon had dunno wat kind of noodle. Happy to see my RP mates when they came. Although it's barely 3 hours.
Sometimes, i really hate myself. Hate myself for being sooooooo having inability for financial planning. Now, i have to even borrow $ from my family n friends. And even to buy my dearest Jay's album. Which ends up i couldn't get the album on time. Which really makes me super sad. I care for my own image a lot. So i will never ever do things to make myself embarrassed. But today, i did. I teared on my way home on train. I felt so useless, so helpless, as i can't do anything a all. I spent what i earned. And thus, i am always living in a "not enough" world. I know that clearly, so i took up Prudential savings plans. And now, i can't even pay the premium on time.
If today i am able to get hold of Jay's album, i guess i will be the happiest girl in the world now.....
Well. Time to move on. Time to reflect. Time to change.
Commnication tmr. i wanna A!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i have no idea why am i in sch so early now. Woke up at 635am. wash up. went out of house at 656am. But. I do not know how can i land myself at Woodlands at 736am! And now in class. only me, Jie min and Joyhan. the usual early birddies.
This wk.
Yday, mon - work 6-9pm.
today, tues - UT, sch, work 6-9pm.
tmr, wed - work 830am-9pm (FULL)
thurs - Jay's new album! UT, sch, work 6-9pm.
fri - sch, work 6-9pm.
sat - work FULL
sun - work FULL
dunno can tahan or not. But i know, i will be rich girl next month!
魔杰座 i'm waiting for you!! (:
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I'm so broke now. sickening.
although my pay just came in, but.. $367 gone for credit card bill, still owing 2 mths of Prudential premium. somemore, hp bills coming up. sch fees! omg.
ever since fri. feel so tired. went to work at Earle's after sch. somehow regretted to work. sigh. but i had nice baked rice for supper! reached hm only at 12 midnite to chiong for RJ.
n sat. only slept for 6 hrs. went to work. 830am to 9pm. can u imagine? nvm la i will be rich girl soon. i wanna clear all my sales soon!
during work. so irritated by 1 middle-aged cust who called in n asked abt digital voice. 'You as a sales consultant, you should know your products well......' but HEY! i dont need u as a cust to teach me what to do. and somemore, e questions that u r asking r all technical-related stuff! As if i know! *pretty pissed off.
n my mum kept calling me to go home. no choice but to c my $10 gone to top up ez-link card. N forgot that bus fare increase! -.-
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I'm so damn pissed off today. First time in life to scold FUCK in msn. Other than pointing middle finger to aldrin in sec 1, i have not scolded any vulger at all! Until today... ):
Pissed off with 2 issues today. And not just that, today's Communication isnt that well too. My A is gone, afraid that i might even get C. I hate getting Cs. And these few days i am so damn broke. Have not been eating in school already. But today, went to TRCC for early meal with Aarti, Noris and hazirah. Aarti helped me pay for jap curry rice. Yummy! Thanks girl! And second break out, Nabilah treated me waffle! (:
Back to the 2 issues. Firstly, happened in class. I really find it irritaing by the words mentioned by my classmate. So immediately i shoot her back. No worries la, i wont mention here. Dont wan to pollute my blog and let the whole world laugh at her.
Secondly, i felt more hurt rather than pissed off. Will not mention here too. But just wondering, is this how friendship work? Or should i say, the friendship does not even exist?
So, when i reported for work just now, my face was totally black. But someone managed to make me feel better, without any effort at all. Thanks. (:
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Yoyoyoyoyoyoyo. *k im random
Well today is a WORK day. basically everyone was late. RP temps is like. Only me, Mayuri and Raj! Dunno where e hell e rest are. Damn hell busy. Really had so little time to slack. Anyway, i treasure that very 1 min of conversion. (: Anyway, lots of things got to be be done is quite good too. At least im much clearer of e provisioning. YAY. Had my lunch break at PS mos with Mayuri. Hmph my $6 plus gone. ): But, teriyaki chicken burger is nice. Same goes for french fries and apple soda. (: Oh man feel like going for another round.
Another update of e day. My dog wet for his hair cut! When i came back from work and after a short nap. E moment i stepped out of my room. I got a shock! It turn out so skinny! Can see his ASS like so obvious la! Pic for evidence.Before i stepped out to work. So hairy.
And NOW! Is like OMG la!
Me during work. wearing that headset seems cool huh?
Friday, October 3, 2008
visit www.fr3b.com! It's a site whereby we can get free samples! be it cleanser, toner etc.. It's great!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
yoyoyoyo. last 2 days were pretty fun.
finally a sch holiday! Went to far east n bugis with Yenxi to... SHOP! Pictures can be viewed from her blog. I bought 1 top, 1 short, 1 necklace, 1 earring and 1 bag! All less than $100! Woohoo! only 1 word. shiok. But i still need to get myself a pair of shoe. Went to work after shopping. Ya with all the shopping bags. And guess what. I went to work alone! Is like so scary. I'm so used to go work with those stupid people. Luckily Ruiming worked night shift as well so he came to sit beside me. (: Quite a number of calls la! There is this indian guy wanted to subscribe to 3 DVT lines! But called him back no ans. So hack care. After that. at 8.50pm. another called came in to subscribe for DVH. -.- some issues occurred. So got to do oynx. Luckily my sup Wayne stood behind me to help me. So, off work offically at 920pm. ):
went to work at Earle's! it turned out really differently from what i imagined. First sentence Sir Simon said to me was "你回来了!" And suddenly, i missed working there. despite, busy like hell! Stn 3 with Sze hui n Ann ann. (: And Sir Raymond was there too. but he's super nice la. Came n talked to me, even whispered to me. And finally i had my fav FCM ice cream! yummy~ and crapped a lot after work them. fun fun fun. Went to have dinner with Ann ann after tat. It's been really ages since i last had meal with her! Had sushi and Yoshinoya's chawamushi for dinner. Yummmmmy. (: home sweet home after that.
Communication! I love this module more and more. And today's prob rocks la~ INTERNET. First meeting grouping was like super good la. But thanks to me, in meeting 2, i dislike the changes. ): sigh. Went for ce talk with Yen xi and Mayuri. Saw Terry n his gf. Yenxi was like sayin "so shuai la~" haha. Presentation was pretty ok. Hopefully another A! After sch went to Nad's class to find her. Met up with Mayuri and spent for donkey years to wait for that stupid Bulky. Ended up late for work. Met Daryl at dhoby gahut n off to work. Work was pretty ok. But just tat, no sup ard. ):
I'm so into Evan Yo's 老地方now. Can really repeat this song for thousand times. I really love songs that have 感染力.. I wan more songs like that.
Oh ya, speaking of songs, my classmate Wei Liang finally say Jay's new album songs are nice. he is also a fan of Jay but i kept nagging at him for d/l his new album songs. It's gonna OUT SOON!
k. gonna bring e dogs out for walk!